Some applications require a reasonable but effective alternative to a thermal oxidizer or an enclosed ground flare. PCC's Improved Ground Flare series, or IGFs, are forced draft enclosed ground flares that incorporate the best features of both to produce a cost effective, fuel efficient, combustion-based pollution control device.
Design Advantages
- Better air control
- Lower fuel consumption
- Burner access on each side of the baffle
- Forced Draft, Not natural draft dependent
- Adaptable to varying operating cases
- Minimum 0.5 seconds residence time
- Operating temperature 1400°F to 1800°F
- 99%+ DRE possible
Functional Features
- No open dampers at grade
- PLC control
- Heat recovery capable
- Modular for easy installation
- Can easily increase capacity or DRE
For tank vent streams and other applications, these units function as a vapor combustor, tail gas incinerator, flare, or thermal oxidizer to maximize residence time while concealing the flame and exploiting the heating value of exothermic gaseous waste streams. Our design is very tolerant of changing compositions and flow rates. Multiple streams can be combined in a manifold header prior to entering the injection nozzle. PCC can also introduce secondary natural gas when the waste stream has a lower heating value. This feature minimizes the burners size.